Monday, October 20, 2008


Recruitment is the process by which Delta Rho chapter of Sigma Pi sources, screens, and selects college students for membership. Recruitment is also the responsibility of the entire chapter. The recruitment committee and the officers described in this document have administrative roles, and they are expected to delegate their responsibilities as needed. The Delta Rho recruitment program is based on the the Constitution, the Gold Standard, and the Recruitment Manual from Sigma Pi International.


The recruitment retreat is organized by the activities director. It coincides with the recruitment period. It includes presentations and discussions related to leadership, strategy, university guidelines, IFC guidelines, and FIPG. It may include guest speakers such as an Educational Leadership Consultant from the Executive Office, IFC advisor, chapter trustee, or alumni.

Active members or perspective new members may not attend recruitment events while intoxicated. Active members or perspective new members may not be under the possession of alcohol or drugs while at a recruitment event. Such circumstances would be unbecoming of a brother and should be strictly avoided.

No recruitment events include hazing of any kind -- physical, mental, sexual, or emotional. Hazing is reported immediately to the recruitment chairman who coordinates with Morehead State University, Sigma Pi International, and the Morehead Police to punish the offenders.


Prospective members are evaluated holistically. A diverse fraternity is a stronger fraternity. Therefore, good prospective members have diverse religions, majors, ethnicities, ages, and cultural backgrounds. They include handicapped, non-traditional, and minority students. A minimum age of 16 is required, and a minimum GPA of 2.3. Their character and personality must compatible with the other brushers and worthy of emulation. Prospective members must be a current or former student at an institution of higher learning. Legacies are pursued and preferred. Bids require a majority vote of the chapter.

Recruitment Chairman
The recruitment chairman is the head of the recruitment committee. He reports to the sage and to the entire chapter. His primary goal is to motivate the chapter to recruit the best students. He arranges the dates, times, and agendas of the committee meetings. He delegates his work to committee members. He approves of each rush event and the publicity for it. He also organizes the recruitment retreat.

Publicity Director
The publicity director manages the brand of the fraternity and targets it to prospective members. He designs and publishes the the advertising for the recruitment committee. The publicity director uses a diverse assortment of media. Printed media includes banners, brochures, business cards, billboards, flyers, mail invitations, newletters, newspaper ads, posters, press releases, scrapbooks, and table tents. Other kinds of publicity are booths, mugs, radio ads, T-shirts, and websites. He invites alumni to recruitment events. He also acquires and distributes bid cards and name tags to prospective members.

The publicity director faces the daunting challenge of dispelling the myths about fraternities perpetuated by popular culture and movies like Animal House, College, and Old School. He counters the objections of prospective members and their parents, professors, girlfriends by directing their attention toward the values in the creed and the strict Sigma Pi policies against hazing and alcohol abuse.

Activities Director

The activities director organizes the rush events like parties, socials, and barbeques. He approves the themes for themed events. He makes reservations for rooms, bands, and catering. He supervises the decoration, set-up, and clean-up of events. After the events, the activities director is in charge of evaluating the events and presenting the findings of his evaluation to the chapter.

Follow-Up Director

The follow-up director maintains contact with prospective members. Prospective members may be certain that they want to rush at the time of a rush event, but become busy with a number of other college responsibilities afterward. The follow-up director manages the list of prospective members in a public location. It includes each prospective member's name, contact information, and notes such as major of study and other club affiliations. The follow-up director manages the sign-in sheets at rush events. Finally, he organizes the bidding ceremony.

Transportation Director
The transporation director is in charge of physically getting prospective members to rush events. He determines which prospective members need rides, prints maps, assigns people to drive, and calls to confirm the rides.

Active Brothers
Each active brother is required to recommend at least one unique prospective brother. Each active brother is required to attend the recruitment retreat and at least one rush event each semester.

Recruitment is the most dynamic and important function of Sigma Pi. Through comprehensive, chapter-wide program led by dedicated, involved brothers, a diverse and successful pledge class can be recruited each semester.

Proposed by McLovin on Monday, October 20, 2008 - Passed

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